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Women's Social Entrepreneurship Center
Home: Welcome
The Oakland-based Women’s Social Entrepreneurship Center (WSEC) aims to address the
barriers to self-sufficiency and economic mobility facing marginalized women and non-binary individuals.
The WSEC places emphasis on aiding formerly incarcerated and immigrant womxn of color seeking liberation
through business ownership.

Home: Who We Are
Participant Spotlight
Bringing Change
Home: What We Do
Certificate Program
Four 6-Week Sessions (Virtual Meetings)
Session 1
Launching Your Entrepreneurial Journey
Session 2
Social Impact Accelerator
Social Impact Certificate
Session 3
Elevating Your Social Impact Strategy
Session 4
Strategy Implementation
Certificate & Graduation!

Home: Programs

"Act as if what you do makes a difference.
It does."
-William James-
Home: Quote

Watch Now
Home: Video
Contact Women's Social Entrepreneurship Center
1406 Seminary Ave, Oakland, CA 94621
Home: Contact
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